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Week: 16th Feb - 22nd Feb
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Eggy Crumpets With Smoked Bacon



  1. Crack your eggs in to a bowl, give them a light whisk with a small pinch of Salt & Pepper. 
  2. Heat a large, non stick frying pan over a moderate heat and fry the bacon in the olive oil, let the sides crisp nicely.
  3. Meanwhile dip the Crumpets in the egg mixture, push them down for a few seconds as they will act as sponges and soak up the eggs.
  4. Push the bacon to one side and tilt the pan so the fat runs to the middle, add the crumpets and fry on both sides until Golden.
  5. Serve the Crumpets topped with bacon and a dollop if Tomato Ketchup if using. 
  6. Enjoy - perfect for a lazy Sunday Morning 

Did you Know?

3 out of the 6 Ingredients needed for this recipe are available at he click of a button on this Website. 

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