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Week: 16th Feb - 22nd Feb
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BOVAER ENQUIRY: We can confirm that none of the farmers Mortons are working with are involved in this trial

Easter Chocolate Bark


  • 600g Good Milk Chocolate
  • 180g Cadbury Mini Eggs
  • 40g Malteasers (you could use Marshmallows if you prefer a different consistency) 


  1. Break the Chocolate into a heatproof bowl. Bring a pan of water to the boil and sit the bowl on top (making sure the water doesn't touch the bowl). Let the chocolate gently melt, stirring occasionally with a spatula. (For best results the slower the melting the smoother chocolate you will get).
  2. Meanwhile lightly grease a roasting tin or baking tray, with parchment. Put three quarters of the mini eggs and malteasers into a food bag and bash with a rolling pin (kids will love this part). 
  3. Once the chocolate is smooth mix in the broken egg mixture, then pour directly into the lined tin. Gently tilt from side to side to ensure the mixture evens out smoothly. 
  4. Scatter the top with the rest of the mini eggs / malteasers and leave to set.
  5. After one hour snap into shards and pieces and sit back & watch as the children devour in no time!

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