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Copyright © 2025 | Mortons Dairies Ltd
Week: 16th Feb - 22nd Feb
0 items over 0 days
Total cost: £0.00
Sunday 16th
Monday 17th
Tuesday 18th
Wednesday 19th
Thursday 20th
Friday 21st
Saturday 22nd
Regular items: £0.00
One-off items: £0.00
Total cost this week: £0.00
  1. We can deliver to you at (change)
  2. Check your postcode

    to see if you're in our delivery area

  3. Add some products to your order
  4. Register to receive deliveries
BOVAER ENQUIRY: We can confirm that none of the farmers Mortons are working with are involved in this trial

I think I missed a payment

If you have missed a payment we will automatically send you an email to let you know that your initial payment was refused or failed. You will then need to check your payment details to ensure they are up to date, and the payment will be taken again a week later.

What payment cards do you accept?

For all orders we accept any of the following: Visa Debit, Visa Credit, MasterCard Debit, MasterCard Credit, Delta, Electron and Visa Electron. 

Payment is taken via Sagepay whereby a recurring billing agreement is setup with the selected payment provider. You will receive an email notifying you that your latest invoice is ready to view online detailing the amount and products billed.

We use the highest level of security and encryption methods available for processing payments online. We also strictly adhere to best practices of data protection and PCI compliance. In plain English... your payment details are as secure as they possibly can be when you make a purchase from us. 

Can I pay my offline bills/invoices online?

You can only pay online when you have registered on the Mortons website and are ordering online. Any orders placed offline must be paid offline until then.

Are there any minimum order requirements?

If you have set up a regular payment method such as Direct Debit or automatic credit card payments then no order is too small. If all you need is one pint of milk or a loaf of bread - that's fine by us.

Can I keep on paying my milkman direct?

Sorry but no. Once you're registered as an online customer and placing orders online, you will only be able to pay online.

When is my invoice due and how will I know?

By default your payment method is setup to pay your Mortons account weekly on a Monday. If you have a payment method set up to pay your Mortons account monthly, you can pay from a choice of the 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd of each month. All you need to do to amend this date is email with your request and preferred payment date. We'll email you around 5 days before your selected payment date to let you know your invoice is ready to be viewed on your online account.

How do I know it's safe to pay on Mortons web site?

When you enter your payment details you'll be in a secure part of our site. We have in place security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage.

How can I pay?

Once you're a registered online customer all your payments will be made online.

You can pay by your bank account or automatically by recurring Credit/Debit Card payment. Click through to 'My Account' and 'Payment details' to set up or amend your weekly payments.

For orders to be generated by our system a regular payment method (credit/debit card) must be added. 

I want to see an old invoice

You can view all your invoices for the past year by logging into your account online and clicking on the My Account option followed by My Invoices.  please contact us at if you need help.

Delivering quality to the North West