General Questions
Who do I call about my online account?
There are multiple ways of contacting us if you have a question or problem regarding your online account. You can contact us by emailing web@mortonsdaires.co.uk , opening a support ticket through our website once logged in or by calling your local depot. Contact details for each depot can be found in 'Contact us' and 'Depot Contact Details'.
How will I know who my milkman is?
You'll know your local milkman by name right from the start. As soon as you enter your postcode we'll tell you who'll be making your deliveries and on which days. Your milkman's name is also on the top left of your account home page
Will I still get my delivery when the weather conditions are bad?
Whatever the weather, we always endeavor to deliver to you, however where the conditions are really bad some deliveries will not be able to be made, we apologies in advance for this. If you have not received your delivery, please re-order online and your milkman will try to deliver this to you as soon as possible.
If I am switching from an offline account to online how does it work?
You should check the box on your registration to indicate that you are an existing offline customer.
Once we have assigned a milkman to serve you (probably your existing one) and confirmed your next date of delivery your milkman will set your offline account orders to zero and deliver to you based on your online orders. Please pay any monies you owe that remain on your off line account in the normal manner to the milkman. Please note that if you are a current direct debit customer on the offline system that you will need to set up a new mandate online as part of your registration, using the paperless DD system as BACS require a different mandate (your old mandate can be cancelled once we have taken your final payment to clear your offline account – but remember to be careful to specify which mandate you are cancelling – not the new paperless one!)
Once you are an online customer all regular order changes or changes to specific day orders must be carried out online.
Can I pay my offline bills/invoices online?
You can only pay online when you have registered on the Mortons website and are ordering online. Any orders placed offline must be paid offline until then.