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BOVAER ENQUIRY: We can confirm that none of the farmers Mortons are working with are involved in this trial

You're all invited to the Great Annual Cornish Cream Tea Event in aid of 'To Kenya With Love'. 

To Kenya With Love (TKWL) is a UK Christian charity that works to significantly transform the lives of children in Kisumu, the third largest city in Kenya, where levels of poverty are amongst the highest in the country.
Their child sponsorship programme enables them  to provide each child with a comprehensive package of care, including quality education, food, clothing and medication. Many of their children have lost both parents and sponsorship helps to keep them with family members, rather than them end up in an orphanage or on the streets.
Each year TKWL host a Cream Tea Event in the hope of raising as much money as possible. Mortons Dairies will be providing milk for the tea and loafs of bread for the sandwiches this year, we also have a decorated float that will be attending the church. 
The event is being held at Maghull Baptist Church on Saturday 17th September at 2pm. Please come along and help us raise as much money as possible. For more information on this fantastic project please visit

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