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Week: 16th Feb - 22nd Feb
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BOVAER ENQUIRY: We can confirm that none of the farmers Mortons are working with are involved in this trial

We are all celebrating after we were crowned 'Green Business of the Year' at the prestigious Echo Environment awards last night!  


Our family-owned business, which employs more than 200 people across seven depots in the region, has delivered milk to families for nearly 100 years. We are very proud of the positive environmental impact we make as a business and to be recognised in these awards is a real achievement that we can be proud of.  


As well as winning ‘Green Business of the Year’ we were also a finalist for the ‘Zero Waste Award’ category – another accolade we are happy to receive.  


You can watch the full event here – and read more about it here in the Echo.  


Thank you  from Norman and Julian 


We are delighted to have won this award and we’d like to thank all our customers who have supported us by switching to regular milk deliveries in glass bottles during the past couple of years in particular.  


We’re also very proud of our staff who have worked so hard this year (and continue to do soin unprecedented circumstances to ensure we deliver to our customers who have needed our doorstep service more than ever before. 


Thank you to all the judges, the Echo and everyone who continues to place their faith in our family-owned business. We are very proud to play a positive role in the communities that we serve across the region. 


                                                                      THANK YOU EVERYONE!



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